United Nations: Aged organization facing new problems

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
The 20th century has proven to be the most challenging in terms of international relations, conflict management and diplomacy. The last century has seen two world wars, one Cold War, which spawned numerous proxy wars, and carrying over into the new Millennium we are dealing with terrorism. The League of Nations, a predecessor to the United Nations has proven to be a failure of Wilsonian ideals and is haunting the leaders of the United Nations …

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…should not have to suffer with casualties because of appeasement policies and indecisiveness coming from officials in the United Nations. The United Nations faces a troubling future in light of terrorist unconventional means of war and United States unilateralism. This is the age of unipolarism that is governed by multipolar rules and this is why the United Nations is struggling to reestablish itself as a sole intergovernmental organization entrusted with keeping world peace and order.