Unit 3 - Motivation, Emotion and Learning

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
An emotion is characterized by feelings of pleasantness or unpleasantness (cognitive) accompanied by physiological modifications (physiological), that lead to behavioral reactions (expressive). Emotions have three components: Cognitive, Physiological and Expressive components. Cognitive component are the conscious experience of emotions and the way they are labeled. Six primary emotions are: Anger, Disgust, Fear, Happiness, Sadness and Surprise. Other emotions are: Contempt, Guilt, Interest, and Shame. According the Plutchik, there are eight other emotion with polar opposites, …

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…amp;gt;<Tab/>2 *<Tab/>Shame<Tab/><Tab/>3 *<Tab/>Surprise<Tab/>2 The physiological components of emotions that are known to accompany Distress, I experienced. I have had a few really bad anxiety attacks associated with muscle tension and headaches, gastro-intestinal upset, changes in heart rate and blood circulation, and rapid, shallow breathing.