Unit 1 - Introduction Sociology

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
According to Sociologist, C. Wright Mills, people often believe that their private lives can only be explained in terms of their personal successes and failures. They fail to see the links between their own individual lives and the society around them. The process of interpreting your individual life in the context of your community or the society in which you live is called "Sociological Imagination." Use your Sociological Imagination to discuss how to separate the …

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…is an everyday problem in our society. References: http://www.sociologyindex.com/sociological_imagination.htm Wardell, Mark, and Anna M. Zajicek. 1995. "Social Problems: Pathways for Transcending Exclusive Sociology," Social Problems, 42(3), (August):301-317. http://www.msu.edu/~thomp409/socimage.html Moore, Kristin A." Welfare bill won't stop teenage pregnancy." Christian Science Monitor, 12/18/95, Vol. 88 Issue 16, p19 ROWLAND HOGUE, CAROL J. "Missing the boat on pregnancy prevention. " Issues in Science & Technology, Summer97, Vol. 13 Issue 4, p41, 6p.