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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Unions are an effective and important way of ensuring workers rights, as I've read these articles this has become clear to me. It was interesting for me to learn, through all the different articles, about the different ways in which people organize as well as the paths and obstacles that they have to take. There often seem to be many similarities as well as differences. The article by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotello, "Latina Immigrant Women and Paid …

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…makes it possible for people to talk about what affects them as they try to survive economically," (Hollibaugh 221). In creating an effective union that truly protects people's rights I feel it is extremely important to be completely inclusive, even if it is on a controversial issue. In looking to the future I think that the more inclusive unions can be, the more people can feel comfortable in speaking out and truly receive just working conditions.