"Ungrateful Sons" in the Works of Flannery O'Connor

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Essay Database > Literature
Flannery O'Connor is a very interesting writer. She uses many special motifs in her writing. One of the most important motifs she uses is that of ungrateful sons. She creates several entertaining stories using this common human characteristic. The motif of ungrateful sons is most evident in Everything That Rises Must Converge, The Comforts of Home, and The Enduring Chill. In Everything That Rises Must Converge, Julian would be a bum if it were not …

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…O'Connor clearly has a unique writing style. Probably the most important feature in her writing is the use of ungrateful sons. This filial ingratitude is most evident in Everything That Rises Must Converge, The Comforts of Home, and The Enduring Chill. One of the worst sins is not to show gratitude to your parents. If the characters in Flannery's stories had shown gratitude to their parents, then maybe their lives would have turned out differently.