Understanding the Relationship Between American Schools and Society: A look at how society and curriculum are based upon each other

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The interrelationship between society and the curriculum being taught in schools is deeply rooted in the history of American schools. The organization of society itself is believed to always shape the education of children in one way or another. Schools in turn reinforce the normality's of the society they are based within. The subject matter of the curriculum taught in the United States public schools has been an important issue throughout American history. Programs of …

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…that some men may set, specify, and evaluate the personal goals of others. Bibliography Dworkin, M.S. (1959) Dewey on education New York: Teachers College Press Dewey, J. (1916) Democracy and education: An introduction to the philosophy of education. New York: Macmillan Emile Durkheim http://durkheim.itgo.com/siteinfo.html Fuller, R.B. (1962) Education Automation: freeing the scholar to return to his studies. London: Feffer & Simons, INC. Illich, Ivan. (1996) Deschooling Society. New York: Marion Boyars Publishers.