Understanding Oedipus Rex.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Oedipus is first introduced as a savior. A priest, surrounded by a crowd of questioning children and peasants, has come to ask Oedipus what may be done to alleviate the terrible blights which afflict the city of Thebes. He comes to hear their story directly, instead of asking them to explain to a messenger: "I did not think it fit that I should hear/of this from messengers but came myself ... Indeed I'm willing to …

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…to a city, this time the city of the man who pitied him, Athens. For Oedipus, to chase truth was to destroy his world: his power, accomplishments, and family name are all lost. Perhaps Oedipus's unique departure from the world signifies a godly recognition of his achievement, and the resurrection of his individual power and scope in his corpse homage to yet another Daedalus whose wings were burnt from flying too close to the sun.