Understanding Hate and Predjudice

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Abstract Anti-Semitism can be defined most simply as hostility directed at Jews solely because they are Jews. In spite of what anti-Semites profess, anti-Semitism is not caused by the actions or beliefs of Jews, but rather is a result of attitudes and behavior that arise regardless of what Jews do or believe. Anti-Semites are antagonistic to Jews for who they are and what they represent, a religion and a culture. Understanding Hate and Prejudice &…

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…http://www.civilrights.org/issues/enforcement/details.cfm?id=30946 United Press International April 5, 2005 "Poll: 14 percent in U.S. are anti-Semitic" James, Carl E. Ed. Perspectives on Racism and the Human Services Sector: A Case for Change. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996. Chapter 6 The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition 2000 Houghton Mifflin Company Kreitner, Robert & Kinicki, Angelo (2004) Organizational Behavior Sixth Edition McGraw-<Tab/>Hill/Irwin, New York