Under what circumstances is it adaptive for animals to group with other species?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Many animals associate only with their own species in monospecific groups. However, in the last 20 years more research has denoted that under certain circumstances, polyspecific group behaviour occurs whereby two or more different species form one group. Hamilton's theory of kin selection, suggests one would not expect to see polyspecific associations. As the species would be expending energy helping a different species, no direct genetic benefit is gained. Despite this, polyspecific associations occur in many …

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…resources helps explain increased foraging efficiency in mixed-species groups. Territory defence also improves with increased group size and less conspecific competition. Thirdly many polyspecific associations form when at risk from predation, because early warning and safety in numbers adds incentive to group with another species. Therefore, although not every species forms polyspecific associations, more research is emerging that these mutualistic behaviours are more adaptive than original theories such as kin selection and selfish behaviour suggest.