Unconscious Personality: employing the methods of Freud and Jung in order to interpret dreams

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
According to Freud and Jung, dreams reflect your personality and affect your conscious life. Dreams "are not meaningless, [and] they are not absurd; [dreams] are psychical phenomena of complete validity" that can be analyzed and used to benefit you in your waking life. Dream analysis raises personal awareness of the activity in the unconscious that shapes individual personality. Every character in your dream is a reflection of you, and your feelings, thoughts, desires and fears. …

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…us an insight into our unconscious fears and concerns. My unsettling dreams about my boyfriend do not portray an unconscious conclusion so much as my deep-rooted problems with abandonment; as Weezer says, "only in dreams you see what it means." By analyzing these dreams I can better understand the root of my fears, and therefore more consciously cope with them. Freud's and Jung's interpretation of dreams can help one better understand their drives and motives.