"Uncle Ho": From Peasant to President

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
To many people, Ho Chi Minh was not only a great leader, but also a father figure in the eyes of the Vietnamese. He was a man who was born a peasant, but died an icon and hero. Ho Chi Minh's perseverance helped make him a key figure in the history of Vietnam. He remains a fascinating figure in history. Ho's supporters called and referred to him as "Uncle Ho". He was respected because he …

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…simplicity, integrity, and determination brought him respect and admiration not only in Vietnam, but all over the world. He is a patriotic figure who used Communist doctrine and strategy as a means of freeing his people, but whose basic instincts were humanitarian and democratic. Whatever the arguments are about the smaller details of Ho, there is absolutely no dispute that he was one of those people that worked their hardest to achieve what they wanted.