Unchanging nature of politics-dr. stangelove & wag the dog

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
<Tab/><Tab/><Tab/> Unchanging Nature of Politics Dr. Strangelove and Wag the Dog are two movies that are done in diferent phases of the history. What is common in between these two films? If we watch it lacking critical and analytical manner it's hard to compare, contrast and connect them. Their contexts and what they are pointing out are very different than each …

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…lying.html 9. http://www.crrange.com/page46.html#pie. (06/09/2004)<Tab/>Federalist Digest vol 00-07 18 February 2000 10. Tim C. Mazur, "Lying", Issues in Ethics, V.6, N.1, Fall 1993, (çevrimiçi) www.scu.edu/ethics/publications/iie/v6n1/lying.html 11. Tim C. Mazur, "Lying", Issues in Ethics, V.6, N.1, Fall 1993, (çevrimiçi) www.scu.edu/ethics/publications/iie/v6n1/lying.html