USS Maine, Sinking of

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Letter to the Editor Recently the Maine was sunk in Havanna Harbor. One could have hypothesized such events as these to take place. For a period of time, America seems to have become an empire, taking control of those who are weaker, and threatening those who rebel against us. Claiming it to be our "Manifest Destiny," we have stretched our boundaries and challenged the rightful owners to take back what was theirs. It is no …

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…way. Becoming a world power at the cost of trade with other nations is not too insightful. In addition, if we continue these battles for control, at what point will we stop striving for power? As history indicates, imperialism has failed immeasurably, and the same results should be expected of America if we choose to follow this path. Additionally, deciding to eliminate Spain's control of Cuba, and controlling it ourselves, is nothing more than hypocrisy.