USA National Security Strategy (NSS) in post-Cold War Era

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Essay Database > History > North American History
After the Cold War, in the absence of USSR, the world strategic pattern transformed at once. The economic rivalries that had long been concealed by the political and ideological conflict with the Soviet sphere popped up immediately and gradually started to escalate. The post-Cold War world structure is "one super and many great powers", which means that there is only one superpower - the United States. But the United States is super only in military …

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…the distribution proportion of submarine forces in the two areas were to be adjusted from 6:4 in favor of the Atlantic to the reverse. At the same time cruise missiles, which had never been employed overseas, have been deployed in Guam and Japan. Aircraft carriers have resumed their mission in the Taiwan Strait, and military exercises and cooperation with the nations neighboring China have greatly increased in intensity, not to mention the peace full nuclear assistance.