US/Canadian Native American Identities: A brief history and the identity dillema.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
What is Native American? Does it mean that one is descended from the indigenous people who once lived 'peacefully' in North American before the Europeans invaded? Is this all that being a Native American means? As a 'minority ,' there is far more for a Native American to search for than just their roots. As a people who vary sub categorically within the term 'Native American,' there is much more than just one's own …

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…Canada: Portage & Main Press., 1949. Native Americans. "Famous Chiefs." Date of Access: Dec, 2001. <> Navy Wire Service. The Navy Public Affairs Library. 1995. Date of access: Dec, 2001. <> Wabanaki Legal News. "Facts About The Jay Treaty For Canadian-Born Native Americans." 1996. Date of Access: Dec, 2001. <>