US mexico border culture and economy history.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Discuss the ways in which the history of border societies has been shaped by the economic relationship between Mexico and the U.S. Evaluate the positive and negative outcomes of this for both countries. The U.S Mexico border region before the 1800's was a barren expanse of land that stretched between two oceans. Before this time there was little or no natural resources to promote or aid any kind of large population settlement, '[...] …

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…middot;<Tab/>Bethell, Leslie (ed.), The Cambridge History of Latin America, 11 vols (Cambridge University Press; Cambridge, 1984) ·<Tab/>Meyer, Michael C. and William L Sherman, The Course of Mexican History (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2000) ·<Tab/>Urrea, Luis Alberto, and John Lueders-Booth, Across the Wire: Life and Hard Times on the Mexican Border (New York, Anchor Books 1993) Word Count: 2434