US involvement in Indochina.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
There could be all sorts of reasons for a country to go to war. The US intervened in the Korean was and the Vietnam War, I think the most important reason they did that is the domino theory. The domino theory means 'if one falls, all falls'. Militarily, South-East Asia is a very important place. It is the perfect place to make a navy and air force base to seize the whole pacific. The US …

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…as Truman who had failed to contain communism spreading from China to North Korea. He had to do better. Kennedy became the president of United States in 1961; he became president saying that he will go hard on communism. Vietnam was the very front line of the tension between communism and capitalism. If Kennedy wanted to back out of Vietnam, it would be totally against his promise, and wont give a chance in the next elections.