US foreign policy during Vietnam war era and today

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Essay Database > History > World History
The American-Vietnam War killed as many as three million people. It destroyed the country of Vietnam. It was a disaster for the US economy with the United States government directly spending 141 billion dollars in South Vietnam alone . It caused uproar within the United States and tragedy on an unprecedented scale to the Vietnamese. It witnessed horrific war crimes and bombings; and in the end, it brought nothing but shame on the United States and the …

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…against native guerrilla warriors, anti-war protests at home, and American pride at stake. However, American policy makers now have much more freedom for manoeuvre: there is no rival superpower that is liable to attack the USA if excessive force is used in Iraq. The fact that Iraq is not happening against the backdrop of the Cold War makes it completely different and totally incomparable to Vietnam. Iraq cannot justifiably be referred to as "Bush's Vietnam".