US Policies (A Piechnik essay)

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Essay Database > History
Throughout United States history many policies regarding international affairs have been developed and used in the best interests of the U.S. These policies have greatly contributed to the growth and development of the United States during difficult times. The main purpose of these policies was to protect U.S. interests from negative foreign influence. During different periods in U.S. history, these policies were adapted in order to keep peace, prevent war, and in …

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…that these policies have had on the development, expansion, and overall wealth of the United States. The U.S. has gone from the policy of Isolationism, in order to protect itself, all the way to Imperialism, so it can gain more power and control of international affairs. It is because of such policies that the United States has been able to come from behind and take the lead in development and power. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** piechnik