US History

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Essay Database > Literature > English
US History Chapter 11 Section 1 1. a.) Civil War-between 1861 and 1865, the southern and northern states clashed with one another in a violent conflict b.) Union-the unified nation of the US 2. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote the famous novel Uncle Tom's Cabin, which started the controversy between North and South. 3. Some historians have suggested that the Civil War could have been avoided. If the US had elected better leaders and established stronger political institution they believe, wild-eyed extremists on …

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…as a terrorist and a tool of Republican abolitionists. In short, his raid and his trial only deepened the division between North and South. 8. The System Failed in many ways to uphold the rights of man in different cases through this section. The Dred Scott case being one example of obstruction of justice, and the John Brown's Raid, where justice didn't prevail until three years after his first assault and the attack on Harpers Ferry.