US Drug Traffickers Policy on Colombia Is it Effective

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Is the United States current policy on drug traffickers taking any valuable effect? Is the price of spending all of the money and aid to Colombia benefiting the United States or is it only hurting our country? With the current policy I do not believe that much is being prevented in the way of narcotics being smuggled in from Colombia. Three-quarters of the world's cocaine is produced in Colombia from locally-grown coca and from coca …

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…the drug aspects of the threat, and the aid package is justified primarily on those grounds. And like with Vietnam, those who argue that most of the aid should be for economic assistance rather than military hardware generally are outvoted by those with a knee-jerk preference for military assistance and military solutions. Narcotics will continue to affect nearly all aspects of Colombia's political and economic environment. Narcotrafficking has had a negative effect on Colombia society.