US Aircraft During the Cold War

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
From the end of World War II until 1989, a silent war raged between the great countries of the United States and the Soviet Union. When the United States dropped the first atomic bombs on Japan, it not only ended the second World War but began the Cold War (Gaddis 23). In 1946, the Russians in the United Nations proposed a ban of all atomic weapons, the destruction of all stockpiles, and the reduction of all armed forces …

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…Soviet Union's nonexistant threat. For some of the interviewed, the Soviet threat (or lack of) was a way of life. Some were almost paranoid about the Russians beyond belief. Almost all did not even care about any possible threats outside of the Soviet Union. This was due to training by the military. To some, the only threats outside of Russia were at major wars that they had been assigned to, such as Vietnam or Korea.