US ASEAN Business Council

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Pages: 32
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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Singapore is the largest U.S. trading partner within ASEAN, and is the largest destination within the ten-country grouping for U.S. direct investment. Singapore is the tenth largest U.S. export market worldwide. With a population of four million, Singapore purchases one and a half times more U.S. exports than China, four times more than India, and more than most European markets, including Italy, Switzerland, and Spain. At the end of 1999, U.S. …

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…the Uruguay Round principle that any sanitary or phytosanitary measure affecting trade in agricultural products must be based on sound science. As the world looks to new methods to ensure an adequate food supply for Asia and other areas of the world where population is growing, it is important both that the safety of the food supply is assured and that new technologies to improve both the quantity and quality of foodstuffs are fully developed.