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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
United Nations International Children Emergency Fund<Tab/> Introduction Children are humans. With this sentence I want to start my assignment, because after having read the paper you will find a deeper meaning in these words. There are many kinds of institutions who work under the umbrella of the United Nations and fight for the right of human. One of these types of institutions is the United Nations International Children Emergency Fund, …

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…voor het jeugdbeleid, Van gedrag tot verdrag, SWP, 1996, p.78 <Tab/>Ling, L., Internationale regelgeving over de rechten van het kind, Defence for children international, 1993, p.145 <Tab/>Versmissen, M., Op de bres voor kinderrechten, Bakermat, 1993, p.58 Website <Tab/>www.unicef.nl <Tab/>www.unicef.com <Tab/>Logo: www.unicef.org.uk