UN Recommendation for the Resolution of the Conflict in Jammu and Kashmir

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Essay Database > Law & Government > International
UN Recommendation for the Resolution of the Conflict in Jammu and Kashmir The modern day dispute over Jammu and Kashmir was spawned in the wake of British India's 1947 independence and the subsequent partitioning of the subcontinent into two states, Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan. India and Pakistan both claim that Kashmir rightfully belongs in their possession. For nearly half a century this territorial disagreement has been characterized by terrorism, violence, and double occupation of the …

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…it from political and military control by India, China, the former Soviet states, and Pakistan, including the establishment of a demilitarized zone and semi-permanent UN observer force to protect Kashmir from infiltration by foreign armies and terrorist groups. If the Kashmiri's opt for inclusion in either the state of India or Pakistan, a permanent demilitarized zone should be created and patrolled by UN peacekeeping forces to ensure that aggressions do not re-evolve in the sub-continent.