UK law and legal system, criminal law, civil, law, statute law and common law

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Essay Database > Literature
LAW: Law defines as the idea of a set of rules established by authority, government or society. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAW: Generally speaking the main difference between criminal and civil law is, criminal law involves police and civil law involves conflicts between people where no police involve. DEFINITION: Criminal law is concerned with the relationship between the individual and the general public, criminal actions like motoring offences, robbery, assault etc are usually brought …

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…DISADVANTAGES: <Tab/>Can be difficult to interpret. <Tab/>Process can be time consuming and private members bills often fail. <Tab/>The political party in power can control the legislative process. EXAMPLES OF STATUTE LAW: An example of the statute law was the dangerous dog's act 1991 and another recent example was the Bill to enable the construction of the Channel Tunnel.