UK Data Protection Act 1998 .

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Data protection Act 1998 Data protection act was revised in 1998 and was put into force in March of 2000. The new act changes original definitions and meanings and broadens the scope of the original act. There are eight principles again, but these are altered in form from those of the 1984 act. Only 48% of SME's have documented procedures in place to ensure compliance. DTI security survey 2002. Purpose of Act "To protect the rights of individuals in relation to …

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…notified they have to make sure that they obey the laws. Court and fines - Individual is entitled to damages if any breach is made - organisation is protected if it can show it took reasonable steps which data, why they have it, who has access, etc Need someone who overlooks the way it collects information, how it is stored and by whom, and how it can be accessed yet remain protected from unauthorised access.