U.S. vs Asian School System

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Two Systems into One In the past twenty years the United States school system has been accumulating quite a bit of criticism. Evidence shows that the United States has been lagging exponentially compared to almost all the industrialized countries. This specifically refers to Asian countries that are statistically blowing the U.S. out of the water. Recent survey results in the universal subject of math show us that the U.S. eighth graders have fallen …

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…individuality. Asian education can also see positive effects from the development of choice and move away from conformity. The students who do cannot or will not participate in the hard curriculum will now have a choice to develop their creative side. These changes will be hard to make. U.S. students adjusting to a faster harder education. Asians might start to loose control of the masses. In the end it will be beneficial for both.