U.S.-Soviet Relations

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Essay Database > History
U.S. - Soviet Relations The beginning of the Cold War between U.S. and Russia caused a major polarization across the World. Countries like Korea, Vietnam and Germany were split in half-one half would be democratic and the other communist. The fight for the sphere of influence became mmore of a territorial fight, often times a small war. The Korean War (1950-1953) was one of the confrontations which infuenced the relation between the 2 superpowers. …

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…the fear of communism and thus the protection against it. The Korean War and McCarthyism were two important factors in the development of U.S. - Soviet relations, although the latter only affected these relations indirectly. During this period the tensions between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. grew high enough, that if it had not been for decisions like Truman's-not to attack China- the Third World War would have been a reality.