"U.S. Immigration - 1875-1910" On Immigration into the U.S. and the Measures the U.S. took to limit immigration. One main focus is Chinese Immigration to the U.S.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Throughout the history of the United States immigration has played a big role. In fact, the birth of the US came about because of Europeans that immigrated here for religious freedom. From those small settlements came towns and cities, built by immigrants. But not all migrated here for religious freedom. Many came on wishes for a better life or to pursue business deals. As early as 1610, Italian craftsmen were brought here to by the Virginia …

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…acts and laws restricting or containing immigration. Despite what people may think, with out some of these acts, the U.S. could have been subject to extreme over-population. However, it can be argued that the time during 1875 and 1910, there where an excess of acts passed which now would be considered extremely discriminative and racist. The final word is that immigration continues to this day with restrictions to keep it over control, and they are needed.