Types of Hegemony.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
No man wants to live in the shadow of another one' power, while on the other hand man never gives up the ambition of influencing and even controlling his fellow countrymen. Therefore, the democracy is invented to alleviate the conflict between the instinct of chasing power and the will of equality, namely, democracy is a system to prevent the emergence of dictatorship and ensure the sharing power of all citizens. However, the principle of democracy …

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…emphasize civil power and cultural and value identity. Through achieving similar cultures, hegemon can better realize its aim of controlling the world. To conclude, there are three types of hegemonies. They are different from one another in pattern or level. Meanwhile, they depend on and mix up one another in practice, so it is hard to distinguish them. However, their aim is same, that is, to satisfy the will of hegemon to control the world.