Types and Defences of Computer Crime

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Synopsis The Information system has unleashed countless opportunities for Industrial growth, activity, new applications, laborsaving accomplishments, improving the quality of decisions and many others. At the same time, Information technology has spawned a whole new field of crime and generated a series of problems for both designers and users of information systems. One of the problems is the crime from misusing of information system. In the meanwhile, robust economic growth carries with it the potential …

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…Systems Sciences. Stockholm, Stockholm University & Royal Institute of Technology: 120. Cisco (2003) Fundamental of Network Security, version 1.1, Cisco Networking Academy Programmer. ISO (2003). Information Technology - Code of practice for information security management (International standard ISO/IEC 17799:2000). Geneva, International Organization for Standards. NE. National Encyclopedia. Informationssäkerhet [online]Available from: http://www.ne.se. Accessed Okt 2002. SIS (2001). Information technology - Code of practice for information security management (Svensk standard SS-ISO/IEC 17799). ISO/IEC.