Type One Diabetes and Its Effects.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
The essay is may need further proofreeding but the information is researched and proven Type one diabetes is a disease that affects the kidneys ability to produce insulin. Many illnesses, physical, and mental, can arise for those with this problem. There are many treatments for this disease that make coping easier, but there is no cure. I. Type One Diabetes A. Insulin Dependance B. Statistics II. Health Dangers A. Physical B. Mental III. Prevention A. …

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…someone taken entirely off insulin." There are also other ways of preventing and treating diabetes. [While there has yet to be a cure, much research, and many developments have been made to assist patients in their illnesses. Many hope for a cure that may never come.] American Diabetes Association. 18 March. 2003 <http://diabetes.org>. Alabama Department of Public Health. Diabetes in Alabama. Alabama, 2002. Chase, Peter. Understanding Insulin-Dependant Diabetes. 8th ed. Colorado: FGI Print Management, 1995.