Two prespectives of Bush's 2004 and JFK's 1964 State of the Union Addresses.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
John Fitzgerald Kennedy and George Walker Bush are two very different men in two very different times but the same type of issues apply to both. Both Presidents cited the need to protect freedom at all costs. Both had to deal with inflation and a rough economy the past year. Both men wanted nuclear disarmament. Among the similarities and differences between these two presidents, they both had the same kind of jobs to carry out. …

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…no nation has ever been so ready to seize the burden and the glory of freedom." It's a very big burden indeed to decide how the most powerful nation in the world is run. That state of the union is not decided just by the people but by the government too. In different times, when the country is run by different people, the state of operation is similar yet different according to the President's hats.