Two poems for comparison by Seamus Heaney ("Churning day" and "An advancement of learning"). Describing the use of Imagery/viewpoint/atmosphere for comparison.

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The poet I will be focusing on in my essay is Seamus Heaney and his two poems I will be comparing are "Churning Day" and "An Advancement of learning". Heaney was born into a farming family from the north of Ireland in 1939. His poetry mainly seems to handle different themes of love, death, generation, and memories. They all hold a strong dramatic sense. Many of Heaney's early poems deal with his past childhood experiences and …

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…as someone panned for it. In both poems we see Heany use colours, sights, sounds, and feelings to set up a certain image and emotional feeling. He also relates to war or a military image in both, maybe because he was born around the time of the Second World War. Both poems are also to do with his memories of childhood, which show he must have considered this as an important time of his life.