Two kinds by Amy Tan

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
"Two Kinds" by Amy Tan In the short story "Two Kinds," Amy Tan explores the clash of cultures between a first-generation Chinese-American daughter, Jing-mei, and her mother, Suyan, a Chinese immigrant. Suyan is certain that Jing-mei can become a prodigy if she only tries hard enough. At first Jing-mei is eager to try, but she always falls short of her mother's expectations. She decides that the prodigy in her is the girl who would steadfastly …

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…Similary, no one can certainly judge right from wrong in Jing-mei's reactions to her mother's expectation. Each one of their particular behaviors just reflects their different background and life experience. Therefore, "Two Kinds", as it means, will be as close as it can be to best describe the conflicts between two kinds of women shaped by their own life experience, and the conflicts between two kinds of daughter cultivated by Chinses culture and American culture.