Two boys and a girl by Tobias Wolff

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Essay Database > Literature
I Saw Her First <Tab/>In Tobias Wolff's "Two Boy's and a Girl," the main character, Gilbert, envies his friend Rafe, wanting what Rafe has instead of accepting and trying to enjoy his own life. His sarcastic way of coping with this self-made problem develops as he looks after Rafe's girlfriend and convertible while he is away. Although not accepted by Gilbert, the reader learns that even Rafe, whose life seems …

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…his mastery. He takes timeless story of the conflict that arises when two boys who are friends desire the same girl. It is like sibling rivalry from the perspective of Gilbert. Still, each character has their own story that drives their emotions and actions. This background information is quietly accounted for in the story. Every person lived his or her own small tragedies, and Gilbert had to learn that as he grew throughout the story.