Two books by Kurt Vonnegut Jr

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the books Slaughterhouse-Five and Mother Night, the author, Kurt Vonnegut Jr. presents the reader with two entirely different plots and story lines. The underlying theme for both books however, is the same; stop mindless war, stop mindless genocide of the human race, stop hatred for one another. These zealous antiwar sentiments stem from Vonnegut's personal experiences during World War II. An American ground soldier, Vonnegut was captured and held in the German city of …

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…greatest war of them all, the most bloodiest, vicious and inhumane which he was a part to protest all wars. Vonnegut writes social satire and his books tackle many complicated and even obscure societal shortcomings, yet the main grievance underlying these two books connects them; war is worst human action and event because it involves murder, hate, destruction, everything that our society is supposed to condemn. Yet it welcomes war and all its grotesque faults.