Two Tramps in Mud Time-

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Two Tramps in Mud Time- On the surface, "Two Tramps in Mud Time" seems to display Robert Frost's narrow individualism. The poem, upon first reading it, seems incongruent, with some of the stanzas having no apparent connection to the whole poem. The poem as a whole also does not appear to have a single definable theme. At one point, the narrator seems wholly narcissistic, and then turns to the power and beauty of nature. It …

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…an ax,/They had no way of knowing a fool," insomuch as admitting to his foolishness. On the surface, the poem seems to be two poems with diverging themes. However, Robert Frost guides there two apparently unrelated thoughts into one idea from the heart: "My object in living is to unite/My avocation and my vocation/As my two eyes make one in sight." Perhaps the narrator is the true Frost coming to the surface.