Twentieth Century Music and It's Reflection of History

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
For many hundreds of years, man has enjoyed and played music for various reasons: meditation, dancing, rituals, entertainment, to express feelings, to reflect on past events and to show what is happening in his world. In the Twentieth Century, music has been used for all of these, but none have been so important to making this country what it its today as the music that has reflected on past events and that shows what is …

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…doesn't fit into the dream of stardom I had...People think this is cool, that I like being notorious...this is nothing cool, nothing fun, nothing to laugh about.' In these present times, much of the music written and recorded is done for the sole purpose of painting a picture of events which Americans face or have faced. Through the process of recoring music, we will be able to preserve history as it happens.