Twelve angry men

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
An excellent courtroom drama with a unique twist. Instead of following the trial itself, the viewer has a unique chance to observe the events behind the closed doors of a jury room. The film begins with the end of the trial. The jurors retire to deliberate the case. A preliminary vote is taken and the result is 11:1 in favour of the guilty verdict. Eleven jurors have raised their hands to convict a young man of …

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…only once - horrified by the complete indifference of juror #7. Juror #12 - a young business type - perhaps he has his own opinions - but is careful to hide them. What he has learnt out of life seems to be that intelligence is equal with agreeing with what the majority of people think. The film succeeds in doing something very rare today - developing an intelligent plot while also developing 12 believable, memorable and distinct characters.