Twelfth Night.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Twelfth Night: Scene i: The setting is the foreign land of Illyria, and the play opens at the palace of the youthful Duke Orsino as he speaks in lyrical but melancholy verse about his love for a beautiful countess, Olivia. A messenger arrives with bad news for the Duke: Olivia has rejected his marriage proposal, saying that she wishes to enter into a period of seclusion following the death of her brother. This vow only …

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…letter must have been a joke, Maria being able to replicate her handwriting. For the sake of Cesario, the Duke pardons the sea captain Antonio. A joyous celebration arises, but a bitter Malvolio exclaims that he will "be revenged on the whole pack of you." After the steward leaves, most of the characters go inside Olivia's house for the wedding feast. The play ends as Feste sings a comic song about the folly of life.