Tv Violence and its effect on children

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Children learn by a common cliche: monkey see, monkey do. Children's lives are impacted by everything around them, including parents, teachers, friends, even enemies, but especially television. More specifically, violence on tv negatively affects children's behaviour. It demonstrates violence as a solution to problems, it elevates violence to a glamorous, cool position and ultimately it makes them violent individuals. One of the most crucial parts of a childs learning process is the visual images projected …

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…watch on television and setting standards we can prevent children from becoming violent and show them alternative solutions to violence and ways to fit into society other than violence. This will benefit you and youre child greatly in the future. Aiding our children by doing what was prior sugested is essential to guide our loved one(s) in the right direction because of how greatly a child can alter his/her behavior from television violence.