Tutorial Questions and Study Notes on the early Church Fathers.

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Essay Database > History > European History
"Explain the contribution and significance of St. Jerome, St. Augustine, St. Ambrose, St. Benedict, St. Boniface and St. Gregory to the foundation of medieval Christendom." By translating and continuing the works of the Greek models St. Jerome laid solid foundations in Western Europe for the general culture of the middle Ages. In his translation of The Chronicle he has supplied the historical foundation of the Middle Ages with the material needed to summarise the past …

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…renaissance. Bibliography: Burns. J, H. The Cambridge history of medieval political thought c. 350-c. 1450. New York : Cambridge University Press, 1988 Hazlett. I. Early Christianity. Nashville: Abingdon, 1991. Keen. M. The Penguin history of medieval Europe. London : Penguin, 1991. Lynch. J, H. The medieval church : a brief history. London : New York : Longman, 1992. Schneurer- Undreiner. G. Church and Culture in the Middle Ages . Paterson: St. Anthony Guild Press, 1956. Southern. R, W. The making of the Middle Ages. London: Hutchinson University, 1967.