Turning a house into a home (dream house).

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Turning a House into a Home Looking into space, you observe lush mountains of rich green grass, with houses sprinkled sporadically over the lay of the land. A city near by, but not close enough to hear nor see the complexity of an over- crowded area. You feel dreamy and peaceful as you are led up a smooth gravel driveway, bordered by white fences intertwined with green grape vines. It's the little things that can …

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…It's the little things to me that make me feel comfortable in my house, which then that house soon becomes my home. So this concludes why I think it's the little things that can turn a house into a home. I doubt this dream house will ever move off paper, but perhaps the beauty of a dream house is exactly that- they can be changed, enlarged, and reshaped endlessly built anywhere in an imagined place.