Turn of the Century: Canada's Immagration.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
A Description about how immagrants were treated during the turn of the century Before the Turn of the Century, Canada's west was largely un-populated. Much of the land was filled with rich soil that were well suited for farming valuable wheat. Becuase of this, populating it became important to Canada and the Canadian government. On 1896, the minister of Interior,Clifford Sifton had been enforcing a comprehensive program to attract people to Canada, and by 1900, over 45,000 …

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…as themselves. Canada is a land of contrast, a land of many different people. but if your talking about racial and equality issues, Canada does not have an clean record, however, it is not the only nation. It cannot be denied that by today's standards, what canada did is atrocious, and the consequences of the actions will never be known. Fortunately, canada has made changes since then, learned from mistakes, and here we are today.