Turks in netherlands

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Turks in Netherlands Migration is a spatial phenomenon. Migration is often defined as a permanent and long-distance change of the place of residence, as a short-distance move is regarded as local mobility, and moves of short-term residents are regarded as temporary mobility. In studies of international migration, to stay is equivalent to remaining within the national borders. (23, Malmberg- international migration, immobility and development) When we compare it to other forms of spatial mobility, migration is …

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…migrants in Amsterdam and their use of media, Christine Ogan. Lexington Books 2001 *<Tab/>Citizenship and Migration, Stephen Castles & Alastair Davidson. Routledge 2000 *<Tab/>http://www.humanityinaction.org/publications/2004/wangmo.pdf *<Tab/>International Migration, immobility and Development edited by Tomas Hammar, Grete Brochmann, Kristof Tamas and Thomas Faist. Berg 1997 *<Tab/>http://assembly.coe.int/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc04/EDOC10358.htm