Turks in germany

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Throughout the history people have always moved from one place to another, we call this immigration but this is something very important which requires attention. In the Webster Dictionary, the word immigrate means to come into a foreign country and take up residence. Immigration is coming into a country of which one is not a native for permanent residence. People that immigrate usually leave their native country to escape political power, persecution, war, or poor …

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…Turkish Time 2.<Tab/>Arus Yumul İnterview, The Turkish Time. June 15 2003. 3.<Tab/>Exporting Workers, the Turkish Case, Paine Suzanne.Cambridge University Press, 1974 4.<Tab/>Migration and Development- Nermin Abadan-Unat, Ruşen Keleş, Rinus Penninx, Herman Van Renselaar, Leo Van Velzen, Leyla Yenisey.Ajans Turk Press, Ankara 5.<Tab/>Guestworkers in Germany, the Prospects for Pluralism, Rist C. Ray. Praeger1978