Tupac Shakur

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Essay Database > History
Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996) was a man who rose from growing up in dismal surroundings to living in (some say ruling) his own rap kingdom, during which all his struggles in accomplishing this triumph were publicly seen and known. This same environment which he helped establish probably doomed him to his untimely and suspicious death, as he was murdered in a shooting after a Mike Tyson fight with other well-known persons involved in the Rap …

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…Mar. 1995 : 198-204. Hassinger, Robert. "True Multiculturalism." Commonweal 10 April 1992 : 10- 11. New York State Social Studies Review and Development Committee "Multicultural Education Benefits All Students." Education in America - Opposing Viewpoints. CA : Greenhaven, 1992. 144-150. Pyszkowski, Irene S. "Multiculturalism - Education For The Nineties; An Overview." Education Vol. 114 No. 1 : 151-157. Ryan, Francis J. "The Perils of Multiculturalism : Schooling for theGroup." Educational Horizons 7 Spring 1993 : 134-8. Stotsky, Sandra. "Acedemic vs. Ideological Education in the Classroom." The Education Digest Mar. 1992 : 64-6.