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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
TSUNAMIS There are Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Floods, Fires and Avalanches. Then there are Tsunamis, The often overlooked stress relief system of the earth. Tsunamis are huge waves often called Tidal Waves but they have nothing to do with the diurnal pattern of high and low tides. Tsunami is a Japanese word used as the scientific term for seismic sea wave, a large ocean wave caused by an undersea earthquake. One theory is that the waves are …

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…it be a ripple and be unnoticeable by the public or will it be a raging mass of water ripping apart everything in its path as it reaches the coastline ? Tsunamis are certainly the least talked about natural disaster in Australia but this just shows the ignorance of society if the matter doesn't involve or concern them. Tsunamis interest me more than any other natural phenomena, so I thoroughly enjoyed sharing this information with you.